Hull Carnival Arts

Charles and Liz began working together in 2013, and after taking part in the World of Colour Parade, they set up a separate business as Hull Carnival Arts. Liz said, ‘Apus Productions had existed as a street theatre company since 2007, then we created Hull Carnival Arts, and later we amalgamated the two. That’s when we contacted Gill Hobson – I felt we needed somebody externally to come in and help us make better sense of what we were doing as a business,’.

Stepping into the business world was a shock to the system Charles noted, ‘Creative ENRG helped me to start thinking as a business person, and not just as an artist working for myself … we started talking and were probably in denial that I’m a business person before that - I still can’t get my head around it!’ Liz continued, ‘When you run things all on your own and you make all your own decisions on your own, it’s really hard to have that justification to just step back & reflect. And even when you’ve got a business partner & you’ve got a little bit more input, it was sort of—I don’t know, I just felt that we needed somebody else externally to come in now and again and critique what we were up to and ask all these really awkward questions.’

After a period of reflection & consolidation, Hull Carnival Arts have been involved with several highly successful festivals and events, locally and nationally, and are delighted to be taking bookings internationally. Now effectively managing the business side of being artists, Liz spoke highly of the positive support they received from CreativeENRG, she commented, ‘Just understanding what it’s like to be an artist, and that you’re not just making things to survive & make money…You’re making things because you love to make those things and at some point they need to make you some money! It was insight into that dilemma: we could all go on forever making beautiful things and be as poor as a … continuing to have a rubbish business model. It’s been just sort of understanding that dilemma that artists have, and looking at how to make a living without having to sell out! We’ve realized that being positive, confident and professional about what you do equals pounds and pence really!

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